


XSpec requires Java Runtime Environment.

XSpec is tested on Java 8 (recommended) and 11 (OpenJDK).


XSpec requires Saxon XSLT processor running on Java.

Saxon can be downloaded from:

XSpec is tested on Saxon 10, 9.9 (recommended) and 9.8 (deprecated).

Saxon 9.8 is deprecated

XSpec is partially tested on Saxon 9.8.

XSpec v2.3 will stop supporting Saxon 9.8 at all.

XQuery processor

Testing XQuery requires an XQuery 3.1 processor. XSpec is tested with the following XQuery processors:

Installation on Mac and Linux


Make sure Requirements are complete.


For this installation the Saxon JAR (e.g. saxon9he.jar) is assumed to be in ~/saxon.

  1. Extract the source code archive file of the latest master branch, or alternatively clone the master branch of XSpec from GitHub:

    git clone

    For this installation XSpec is assumed to be extracted or cloned to ~/xspec.

  2. Set up the Saxon environment variable. You can either set SAXON_CP to the full classpath containing the Saxon jar file:

    export SAXON_CP=~/saxon/saxon9he.jar

    or alternatively set SAXON_HOME to the location of the Saxon jar file:

    export SAXON_HOME=~/saxon

    You can check that the environment variable is set with:

    echo $SAXON_CP

    SAXON_CP has precedence over SAXON_HOME.

    If you want to make the change permanent, set the environment variable in your shell profile (e.g. ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile).

  3. Open up a terminal, navigate to ~/xspec, make sure that the file bin/ is executable, and test the shell script with this command:

    bin/ -h

    The output should be the following usage summary:

    Usage: xspec [-t|-q|-s|-c|-j|-catalog file|-h] file
      file           the XSpec document
      -t             test an XSLT stylesheet (the default)
      -q             test an XQuery module (mutually exclusive with -t and -s)
      -s             test a Schematron schema (mutually exclusive with -t and -q)
      -c             output test coverage report (XSLT only)
      -j             output JUnit report
      -catalog file  use XML Catalog file to locate resources
      -e             treat failed tests as error
      -h             display this help message

Congratulations! You have successfully installed XSpec!

To make the XSpec script more portable and invoke it from anywhere, add a script invoking in /usr/bin. To move out of the XSpec installation directory, you must set the environment variable XSPEC_HOME to the location where XSpec is stored.

Installation on Windows


Make sure Requirements are complete.


For this installation the Saxon JAR (e.g. saxon9he.jar) is assumed to be in C:\saxon.

  1. Extract the source code archive file of the latest master branch, or alternatively clone the master branch of XSpec from GitHub:

    git clone

    For this installation XSpec is assumed to be extracted or cloned to C:\xspec.

  2. Open up a command prompt and set up the Saxon environment variable. You can either set SAXON_CP to the full classpath containing the Saxon jar file:

    set SAXON_CP=C:\saxon\saxon9he.jar

    or alternatively set SAXON_HOME to the location of the Saxon jar file:

    set SAXON_HOME=C:\saxon

    You can check that the environment variable is set with:

    set SAXON_
    C:\>set SAXON_

    SAXON_CP has precedence over SAXON_HOME.

    If you want to make the change permanent, set the environment variable in System Control Panel (or `setx command`_).

  3. Test the batch script with this command:

    C:\xspec\bin\xspec.bat -h

    The output should be the following usage summary:

    Usage: xspec [-t|-q|-s|-c|-j|-catalog file|-h] file
      file           the XSpec document
      -t             test an XSLT stylesheet (the default)
      -q             test an XQuery module (mutually exclusive with -t and -s)
      -s             test a Schematron schema (mutually exclusive with -t and -q)
      -c             output test coverage report (XSLT only)
      -j             output JUnit report
      -catalog file  use XML Catalog file to locate resources
      -e             treat failed tests as error
      -h             display this help message

Congratulations! You have successfully installed XSpec!

To make the XSpec script more portable and invoke it from anywhere, add C:\xspec\bin to your system path. To move xspec.bat out of the XSpec installation directory, you must set the environment variable XSPEC_HOME to the location where XSpec is stored.